WELCOME to the Law & Justice Foundation website! Law & Justice Foundation(LJF)-is a non profit, non-religious ,Non Political ,non governmental  membership human Rights Organization ,Established and registered by the Government of Bangladesh under the Societies Registration Act 1860(Registration No. S-11327)-aiming to conduct and exercise all democratic rights, humanity and peace loving activities all over Bangladesh.The Law & Justice Foundation is made up of more than 1500 active and inactive members. We proudly offer this website as a resource of information for members and non-members alike about our Bar and our legal community. We look forward to developing and improving this site to benefit our members and to provide the public with easier access to legal services and information.

For those already part of our legal community, we hope this site will help keep you informed LJF's events and issues relevant to the practice of law in Bangladesh and any other parts of the World. For those new to Bangladesh or just unfamiliar with the legal services available here, we hope this site will serve as a warm introduction to the dedicated lawyers, jurists,Legal consultants,Law students and/or any other professionals who live in, or otherwise have a strong interest in, who serve our community.

Again welcome, and as we say here in Bangladesh, “su-sagotom“

Notice Board

♣ Become a Member /Renew your existing Membership by 31 December, 2025.

Applicants interested in leading the district / upazila  levels  apply on  or before 31 March 2025.



















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